Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Plus Size Dating - So, Are We All Big Beautiful Women?

Just what is plus size anyway? According to the fashion industry, plus sizes start at size 14 in the US, and size 16-18 in the UK.

But statistics tell us that the average woman in the US is a size 14 or bigger. So if a size 14 is the norm, why are we being shunted into a "special" plus size category?

We're normal but the fashion designers don't seem to have clued in.

Who decides these things anyway? Is there a secret annual conference of magazine editors, fashion gurus, and department store buyers where they all get blitzed on appletinis (no food passes their lips, of course) and decide that the rest of the world is just too porky to fit into a regular size?

Righteous indignation aside, this arbitrary labelling makes the pursuit of online romance more complicated than it needs to be. Dating site owners are narrowing their marketing focus in an effort to attract customers. The dating business is intensely competitive, so it's in their interest to slot us into targeted niches, wherever they can.

If you're an animal lover, there's a dating site for you. If you're a self-confessed nerd, there's an online venue where you can meet other nerds (or people who love nerds). There's even a site where millionaires can meet and fall in love.

And if you're a larger sized woman or man, you've got plus size personals, a dating niche that's been invented especially for you.

Plus size dating sites aim to attract BBW (big beautiful women) and BHM (big handsome men) and their admirers. This is, on the surface, a good idea. If you're not a stick-thin super model, you can join these sites and be assured that the people you meet will appreciate a figure that's more Rubens than Twiggy.

But what makes these plus size dating sites interesting, from a sociological (or purely nosy) perspective, is the presence of people who don't obviously belong in the BBW category. After looking through the profiles on half-a-dozen plus size personals sites, it soon became clear that the clientele on each site ranged from the very slightly plump (ie. the average) to really large SSBBW (super sized big beautiful women).

Perhaps this is a comment on modern society, that such a wide spectrum of people self-select into the plus size category. Maybe we're so brainwashed by skinny models in fashion magazines, and air-brushed, bone-thin Hollywood actors, that we think "well, I don't look like them, so I must be bigger than most people."

Maybe it's about time we, "most people", the size 14 + majority, rebel and start insisting that clothing retailers get rid of the plus size category and just stick us all under "normal", whether we're a size 2 or a size 22.

And when it comes to selecting a body type on dating sites, whether they're plus size dating sites, or not, we should all start selecting "Average".

Because that's what we most of us are.

Alison Braidwood is a contributing writer for http://www.senior-dating-site-review.com a light-hearted romance resource for singles over 40. Visit us for reviews of popular dating sites, including plus size dating, dating profile tips, and a wry look at the search for romance after 40.

Some Baby Names and Their Meanings

You can find thousands of baby names if you look hard enough. Just pick up a book on baby names and voila you’ve all ready got more than enough baby names to go around for thousands of people. Following is a listing of some baby names and their meanings for prospective parents to peruse in alphabetical order.

Aida: means helpful in Latin, while in English is an alternate form of Ada, meaning prosperous.

Alana: means attractive or peaceful in Irish and also means offering in Hawaiian. This is a feminine form of Alan.

Alice: means truthful in Greek and noble in German. Other forms of this are Allie, Aili, Aleka, Alisa, Alysa, Elke, and Alica.

Barbara: means stranger or foreigner in Latin. Other forms are Babs, Babe, Babina, Barbaraann, Barbie, Varvara, and Wava

Berlynn: is a combination of Bertha and Lynn. Bertha meaning bright or illustrious ruler in German. Lynn meaning waterfall or pool below a waterfall in old English.

Cleta: means illustrious in Greek

Cleo: is a short form of Cleopatra, a Greek name meaning ‘her father’s fame.’

Daniel: means ‘God is my judge’ in Hebrew. Other forms of it include, Dan, Danial, Dacso, Daneel, Danila, Doniel, and Nelo.

Deanna: means divine in Latin and valley in English. Its also a feminine form of Dean.

Effia: means ‘born on a Friday’ in Ghanian and other forms of it are Effi, and Effy.

Electra: means shining or brilliant in Greek. Another form of it is Elektra.

Ebanezer: means ‘foundation stone’ in Hebrew. Other forms of it are Eb, Ebbaneza, Eban, and Eveneser.

Edward: means ‘prosperous gardian’ in old English. Other forms are Ted, Ned, Teddy, Audie, Duarte, Edko, Edo, Edorta, and Edus.

Ginger: means flower or spice in Latin. It’s a form of Virginia.

George: means farmer in Greek. Other forms are Egor, Jorgen, Geordie, Georgio, and Gevork.

Harlan: means ‘hare’s land’ or ‘army meadow’ in old English.

Hassan: means handsome in Arabic

Kanoa: means free in Hawaiian

Katlyn: means pure in Greek

Lulu: means pearl in Arabic and soothing or comforting in old English. Also means ‘hare’ in some Native American languages.

Mac: means son in Scottish

Michio: means ‘man with the strength of three thousand’ in Japanese.

Persis: means ‘from Persia’ in Latin

Phyllis: means ‘green bough’ in Greek

Reagan: means ‘little king’ in Irish

Remus: means speedy or quick in Latin

Sherry: means beloved from the French. Other forms of it are Sherey, Sheryl, Sherril, Cheryl.

Teal: means ‘river duck’ in the old English or refers to the color of blue-green.

Tawny: means ‘little one’ from an old Gypsy term or refers to the brownish, yellow color.

William: means ‘determined guardian’ in old English. Other forms are Guillaume, Liam, Ville, Welfel, Willem, Willyam, and Wim.

These names come from all over and you’ll find that you come across them or versions of them in daily life.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Tons of Baby Names, plus the baby name origin, meaning, baby facts, educational toys, bargains and more!

Lose Weight Effectively? Know Your Body Type to Lose Weight Fast

It is certainly helpful to know your body type when you want to lose weight or build muscles. By knowing your own body type, you can then plan your health and fitness program to suit your specific body type for excellent result.

We shall discuss the 3 common body types and their characteristics here.

• Endomorph: Your built is big and usually have a round face, wide hips, big bones and slow metabolism. You also have a higher number of fat cells than usual. Bad news. That means you get fat easily. If you are in this category, well, you’ve got more work to do. You need a combination of high intensity cardio work, weight lifting and a healthy/correct eating to lose fat and build muscles. You will need more effort than others to lose weight.

• Mesomorph: You are blessed with a naturally muscular body and have with wide shoulders, small waist, athletic build, low body fat with a high metabolism. With your natural predisposition, you can pack on muscles real fast and are the type that can take up bodybuilding as a career if you want to. You excel naturally in sports and will always have that sexy and handsome body that is to everyone’s envy.

• Ectomorph: You are skinny all your life with small muscles, very very high metabolism, low body fat, narrow shoulders, hips and waist. You find it hard to put on weight and muscles no matter how much you eat. You will need greater effort to build muscles on your skinny frame. You are called the hardgainer in the bodybuilding and fitness jargon.

Most people fall in between the three types. For example, a person can be a mixture of Mesomorph and Endomorph or Mesomorph and Ectomorphs.

Now that you have identified your body type, you can then write down your goals, objectives and the methodology you wish to take to achieve them. It is imperative that you must have written down goals and objectives so that you have a plan and a course of action to take for your lose weight or build muscles program. If you do not know how to plan your program, consult a personal trainer. You will then have a tool to measure your progress and check yourself whether or not you are doing things right or wrong and then to correct any errors and move on. Otherwise you will be without focus. Do you think you can progress if you exercise and eat in a haphazard way? Obviously not, isn’t it?

By having a specific program to follow, it allows you to take concrete actions each day to achieve your weight loss build muscles goals. You will eat and exercise correctly and you will plod on and on until you have achieved the attractive and fit body that you have always desired.

Believe that you can do it and then get your hands dirty doing it! Dare to dream! If you do not dream, how then can your dreams come true?

Chris Chew is a personal trainer of actors, pageant winners, models and other celebs.

He is the author of Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast! and runs a fitness school in Singapore Personal Trainers

Here Is A List Of Stop Smoking Benefits

God forbid, if you are sentenced for life-imprisonment, how would you feel on the day of your release from the jail? The happiness of quitting smoking for ever is no less than this. The day you shun smoking you are born again. To live life in the manner in which you should live like a man or woman. You are the divine creature ordained by God in this planet Earth to achieve higher goals!

I won't tell you to do the marble floor and thorough repaint of the house, the day you give up smoking, but do get your curtains and other furnishings laundered to get rid of that ancient Satanic smell. Your house is a rose garden now! Please acknowledge this cruel kindness on my part when I say that your drawing room is free from the burning smell. What a welcome liberation for you from that tobacco-binding!

They say, if you strike, strike hard and see that there is no need to strike again. You have done that to nicotine. You have routed it, rejected it and humbled it. Gone for ever!

How many Satanic beings were waiting at the door, to enter and ambush you! Lung cancer, breast cancer (in women), many types of heart diseases, outright heart attack- they all stand disappointed. They were readying to hook you. Snuff you out of existence. Shall I now tell you the greatest benefit of stop smoking? Yes, I must say it. The benefit is you are still alive today to read this article.

Just wait and watch. How your stamina will improve and how your black lips will turn rosy again! And you will find that at the end of the month, you are saving a handsome amount! Utilize that money for healthy eats for your wife and children. How happy they will be! This additional entertainment is from the amount that otherwise would have gone in smoke coils!

If you have blood pressure, you will find it return to normal soon. Your pulse rate will be normal. You will develop taste and capacity for an entirely different smell!

In brief, it is like lifting of the Martial Law. You are a free, democratic citizen now!

http://www.stop-smoking-updates.com/quitsmoking/& Stop Smoking Benefits provides detailed information on smoking cessation, quitting smoking, giving up smoking and more.

Psychological Effects Of Baldness

In today's times we are all about appearance. People seen in the public eye often spend hours and lots of money keeping their hair perfect. Not all of us are lucky enough to have a full head of hair or the money to pay thousands to keep our baldness covered and unaware to others.

Baldness is very common in my family with my own father being the one in my immediate family with the most prominent baldness. He began losing his hair when he was around 21 and now at age 49, he is almost completely bald. In my eyes my father is still a very handsome man and I'm sure my step mother will agree but to him it is only a sign he is getting old and unattractive.

He often wears caps to hide his baldness when it is appropriate or gets very uneasy when meeting new people because he says he feels they are staring at his head and not concentrating on him as a person. My father is a wonderful man and I'm certain people are not just staring at his bald head, but try telling him that.

Baldness can have harsh psychological effects in a society where beauty seems to mean everything. Society associates beauty with success and power. When is the last time you associated unattractiveness with success? I can almost guarantee your answer is going to be never because we just don't

Throughout history, hair has been a sign of power and authority. Even the bible speaks of Sampson whose strength came from his hair. It's no wonder we all think baldness is terrible and we shouldn't think or feel like that. A person is still that same person with or without a full head of hair.

If your father lost all of his hair, as he got older, did he change into someone different then the man that helped raise you? Or is he still the father you remember from childhood?

Marke is a hair addict, he runs the website Hair-Guru.Net, were he writes about everything from hair coloring to baldness.


Pharmacy Technician Salary

Pharmacy technicians are persons who look after the needs of the patients who bring the prescription or to the prescription sent electronically. Pharmacy technician career is a fairly rewarding one and experienced people earn handsome salary in this profession. The salary of pharmacy technicians is determined on a per-hour basis. It generally falls under $10-$18 per hour.

Pharmacy technicians can earn properly only if they are licensed technicians. This certificate proves that the technicians are capable of handling independently, as they learn all the skills required to be a pharmacy technician. They have to undergo recertification every two years. During the period of recertification, they are allotted with some contact hours. In this period, they can earn from various sources like pharmacy colleges, on-the-job training stores and other places. They can also open up some pharmacy technician training programs and create awareness regarding the role of pharmacy technicians. They can start earning for nearly 10 hours a day, if the technicians are employed under pharmacists. Experienced pharmacy technicians earn a lot more than the average earnings per hour of the market.

Pharmacy technicians can earn well if they are sincere and dedicated towards their work. This is a reference of their earnings taken in May 2004. Nearly 50% of pharmacists earn $9 to $14. On an average, the median hourly earning of pharmacy technicians is around $11. The top 10% earn more than $16. The industries that employ pharmacy technicians pay them reasonably well. In general hospitals, technicians may earn $13, while in other grocery stores they may get $11 - $12. In departmental stores, they may get $10.

The certified technicians can earn more if they work in the evenings or weekends. As they gain experience, they have an excellent advantage of having a perfect control during their working hours. Usually, pharmacy technicians are required all through the day and this naturally enables them to put more hours on work, for which they get paid better ultimately. This enables them to earn more with recognition.

Pharmacy Technicians provides detailed information on Pharmacy Technician Careers, Pharmacy Technician Certification, Pharmacy Technician Continuing Education, Pharmacy Technician Exams and more. Pharmacy Technicians is affiliated with Digital Scales .

25 Top Irish Names for a Baby Boy

Would you like to give your baby boy a name reflective of your Irish roots? In this article, I’ve listed some of the most popular names for a boy in Ireland, according to the Central Statistics Office of Ireland. For each name appearing below, I have given the Gaelic spelling, the name’s meaning, and, when applicable, the Anglo-Saxon version of the name.

Adhamh – Gaelic for Adam; “red earth, ruddy”

Aidan – “the little fiery one”

Ailín – Gaelic for Alan, Allen; “noble”

Aindréas – Gaelic for Andrew; “manly, valiant, courageous”

Áron – Gaelic for Aaron; “shining light, messenger”

Breandan – Gaelic for Brendan; “prince”

Caoimhín – Gaelic for Kevin; “handsome”

Concobhar – Gaelic for Conor/Connor; “a strong will”

Cormac – “lad of the chariot”

Dainéal – Gaelic for Daniel; “oak”

Dáivi – Gaelic for David; “beloved one”

Darragh – “small great one, riches”

Declan – name of a 5th century bishop

Dermot – “free of envy”

Donovan – “dark warrior”

Dylan – “sea god, son of the waves”

Fionn – “white, fair”

Liam – Gaelic for William; “determined guardian”

Micheál – Gaelic for Michael; “who is like God”

Pádraig – Gaelic for Patrick; “noble, well-born”

Roibeárd – Gaelic for Robert; “bright, famous”

Ruairí – Gaelic for Rory; “the red king”

Séamus – Gaelic for James; “the supplanter”

Seán – Gaelic for John; “God is gracious”

Steafán – Gaelic for Stephen; “crown”

These are just a few of the many Irish names that would be appropriate for a baby boy. If you did not find anything you like here, there are many websites that offer a more extensive list.

Mary Arnold holds a B.A. in literature and history. She is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names.

Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so beauty can be defined as a physical appearance or an intellectual aptitude.

Beauty defined, makes you think of outward looks. Looks that can be manipulated by make-up, plastic surgery, hair color, or a number of things that give a false impression of the true definition of true external beauty. There are many people in this world who are beautiful by their looks, and every individual has a preference as to what makes a person truly outwardly beautiful. While I may find Johnny Depp the most handsome man alive, my sister may think he's not, Brad Pitt is her look of choice.

When you put on make-up, straighten and/or color your hair, have plastic surgery, are you truly representing physical beauty or a persona of beauty? Outward beauty can be purchased, inward beauty can only be learned.

Brains are something that, too, can be manipulated. I can take an IQ test, score 145 and be considered intelligent. My sister can study her brains out, hire tutors, and participate in activities that stimulate her intellect, and still be considered intelligent. I may never study, do homework, or listen in class and pull a C in school, while my sister,has done all the above, pulls an A in school, and she would be considered the brains.

So which is more important? I do not see the difference, they can both be manipulated and calculated to be whatever you choose you want to be.

To Attract Beautiful Women, Get Rid of These

If you want to meet a beautiful woman, it helps to look good. You can easily catch her eye by banishing three hideous items from your wardrobe:

The T-shirt. Nobody ever looks smart in a T-shirt. It makes your neck look like a fire hydrant. Put on a collared shirt (a polo will do nicely), and you’ll instantly be perceived as more successful, intelligent, and desirable.

The sneakers. What's the point of wearing a decent shirt if your feet look like marshmallows? Leave the sneakers at the ball field, even if you're at a bar to watch a game. It’s not necessary to dress like a shortstop to communicate the fact that you like sports.

The baseball cap. Ugh. Yes, guys wear them everywhere from restaurants to casinos to church, but know this: They are the ultimate turn-off. It doesn't matter if you’re bald or gray or both. Bald (minus the comb-over, please) can be good. Gray can be good. But a cap is never good. Unless you're standing on a baseball diamond, take it off.

From now on, think of the offending headgear as the male equivalent of the middle-aged woman's best friend, the poly-pant. This is no exaggeration. Married women have been known to fend off sexual fantasies about men -- other than their husbands -- by imagining them wearing baseball caps. Do yourself a favor. Don't wear one.

Drop the Hideous Three from your wardrobe, and you'll do wonders for your love life. You don’t need to be tall, dark, and handsome to attract a beautiful woman. Dressing comfortably, confidently, and neatly will usually do it.

Terry MacDonald is the happily married author of "How to Attract and Marry the Man of Your Dreams." For information about a cruise she plans in 2007 for singles, leave a comment on her blog at http://happygirlmusing.blogspot.com or visit her website at http://www.marrysmart.com

Baby Shower - Baby Boy Shower Ideas

As we all know that baby shower traditionally, is held for mother-to-be and only women attend. Is an exciting time for the expectant mother and her women friends. The atmosphere is fill with bundle of joy, especially if she is expecting a boy. It's all the more special.

You know, snips and snails, and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of....

So you're having a boy -your little buddy, pal, your man, champ, little guy, handsome devil. Don't you dare call him sweetheart, angel, princess, peanut, honey or baby, right? Heck no. He's going to grow up to be a manly man.

Before the newborn son is shaving and off to college, let's get through the baby shower first. Some obvious themes or décor for boys include sports – baseball, basketball, football, soccer; or fire trucks; policemen; robots; doggies; cowboys or super heroes.

You won't have a lot of frilly lace or dainty bows at a shower for a baby boy. You can never go wrong with anything in the color blue – and lots of it.

It's a horrible experience for new parents to have strangers in the store refer to their little man as a precious girl. Baby boy shower gift giving made easy – give outfits to dress the handsome boy up in blue, blue, and blue. Even if his little sleeper has footballs all over it, the well meaning fan won't take the time to notice the boyish pattern. Give them bold blue to clue them in.

Back to the shower ideas – generally baby showers are a woman dominated event. Your mother-to-be may not have much experience raising a boy. You could center the games on boy things. Make a list of questions that pertain only to boys – perhaps how to change a boy diaper. What will you say when your son comes up to you and tells you … Another idea would be to play – what not to do to embarrass your son (such as lick your finger then attempt to get the toothpaste off his cheek – in front of his friends.) Or don't shout embarrassing honey-pie comments to your son while he's playing with his friends. Do a football quiz. Mom may need this information some day!

Guests who have sons will be able to help with this one. Raising a boy is not the same as raising a girl. Have fun but make it informative and fun for all shower attendees.

Pius Ephenus is owner of My Unique Wedding Favor My Unique Wedding Favor.Com offers wide ranges of high quality and unique personalized groomsmen gifts wedding party favors, bridesmaid gifts, personalized baby gifts personalized barware, golf wedding favors, personalized corporate gifts, bridal shower gifts, personalized candles, personalized wedding gifts. Visit us for truly unique wedding favors to add touch of elegance to your wedding.

Getting Healthy and Glowing Skin for Men

Everybody wants to have clear, healthy glowing skin.

It is quite common that women take care of their skin like cleansing, toning, moisturising etc. So there are several beauty products available in the markets which are exclusively for women, like fairness cream. Generally men have a tough skin. As the nature of their skin is quite differ from women, so naturally women's products will not make a very good effect on men. In collaboration with Activor Corp, USA, herbalists and dermatologists from India, Emami has created a unique fairness cream for men. Emami Fair and Handsome is not only helpful for making the skin fair, but it's also helpful for relieving stress and fatigue signs.

According to a survey a growing number of Indian Men using this cream. So it's the time for Men to get Fair and Handsome.

If you're very serious about your skin and wants to stay young for long time, then you must protect your skin from sun. Sunburn is one of the main reasons for premature aging. Generally men do not use sunscreen on a regular basis hence left their skin for high risk factors like sun's UV rays. The UV ray of sun is very dangerous for our skin. Along with cancer, cataracts may happen due to of it. Fair and Handsome has a revolutionary double power sunguard counter over exposer of male skin to sun and protect it from harmful UV rays.

And offcourse at the time of shaving. Shaving is the most typical start to a man's day. A soothing cream after shaving is very much necessary. This product of Emami has anti-bacterial agents which actively protect skin from pollution and dark shadows caused by daily shave.

Jacky Menon is contributing author for http://www.fairandhandsome.net.