Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Psychological Effects Of Baldness

In today's times we are all about appearance. People seen in the public eye often spend hours and lots of money keeping their hair perfect. Not all of us are lucky enough to have a full head of hair or the money to pay thousands to keep our baldness covered and unaware to others.

Baldness is very common in my family with my own father being the one in my immediate family with the most prominent baldness. He began losing his hair when he was around 21 and now at age 49, he is almost completely bald. In my eyes my father is still a very handsome man and I'm sure my step mother will agree but to him it is only a sign he is getting old and unattractive.

He often wears caps to hide his baldness when it is appropriate or gets very uneasy when meeting new people because he says he feels they are staring at his head and not concentrating on him as a person. My father is a wonderful man and I'm certain people are not just staring at his bald head, but try telling him that.

Baldness can have harsh psychological effects in a society where beauty seems to mean everything. Society associates beauty with success and power. When is the last time you associated unattractiveness with success? I can almost guarantee your answer is going to be never because we just don't

Throughout history, hair has been a sign of power and authority. Even the bible speaks of Sampson whose strength came from his hair. It's no wonder we all think baldness is terrible and we shouldn't think or feel like that. A person is still that same person with or without a full head of hair.

If your father lost all of his hair, as he got older, did he change into someone different then the man that helped raise you? Or is he still the father you remember from childhood?

Marke is a hair addict, he runs the website Hair-Guru.Net, were he writes about everything from hair coloring to baldness.


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