Tuesday, December 11, 2007

To Attract Beautiful Women, Get Rid of These

If you want to meet a beautiful woman, it helps to look good. You can easily catch her eye by banishing three hideous items from your wardrobe:

The T-shirt. Nobody ever looks smart in a T-shirt. It makes your neck look like a fire hydrant. Put on a collared shirt (a polo will do nicely), and you’ll instantly be perceived as more successful, intelligent, and desirable.

The sneakers. What's the point of wearing a decent shirt if your feet look like marshmallows? Leave the sneakers at the ball field, even if you're at a bar to watch a game. It’s not necessary to dress like a shortstop to communicate the fact that you like sports.

The baseball cap. Ugh. Yes, guys wear them everywhere from restaurants to casinos to church, but know this: They are the ultimate turn-off. It doesn't matter if you’re bald or gray or both. Bald (minus the comb-over, please) can be good. Gray can be good. But a cap is never good. Unless you're standing on a baseball diamond, take it off.

From now on, think of the offending headgear as the male equivalent of the middle-aged woman's best friend, the poly-pant. This is no exaggeration. Married women have been known to fend off sexual fantasies about men -- other than their husbands -- by imagining them wearing baseball caps. Do yourself a favor. Don't wear one.

Drop the Hideous Three from your wardrobe, and you'll do wonders for your love life. You don’t need to be tall, dark, and handsome to attract a beautiful woman. Dressing comfortably, confidently, and neatly will usually do it.

Terry MacDonald is the happily married author of "How to Attract and Marry the Man of Your Dreams." For information about a cruise she plans in 2007 for singles, leave a comment on her blog at http://happygirlmusing.blogspot.com or visit her website at http://www.marrysmart.com

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